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Saadat + Colombia

Saadat + Colombia

February 2020

Saadat, our co-founder, had the privilege to travel to Colombia through the USAID supported program Coffee for Peace, for his first ever green buying trip to a coffee farm. The timing couldn't have been better; this happened right before the U.S. began shutting down international travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We always aimed to start our path as roasters  with a direct trade mentality and having the opportunity to directly source our first Woodcat Coffee offerings in Colombia may have been put on hold indefinitely.

But it all worked out and he got to meet & learn from farmers of the Antioquia region of Colombia as well as climate experts, roasters, and fellow coffee shop owners from all over.

After a few rounds of cupping and grading, he bid on our first two micro lots of green coffee El Playón produced by José Guillermo Serna & Los Pinos produced by  Diego Luis Agudelo. Both coffees arrived stateside in early summer 2020. We were so stoked! These coffees were extra special to us, not only for their significance as our first, but also because they were absolutely fantastic coffees.

woodcat coffee: large burlap bag of green coffee with the letters FNC printed in black on the outside

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